Protractor is an end to end test framework for AngularJS applications built on top of WebDriverJS. Protractor runs tests against your application running in a real browser, interacting with it as a user would.
This post discusses 2 advanced features when working with Protractor:
This post discusses 2 advanced features when working with Protractor:
- Reusing your existing UI services for data creation utilities
- Capturing browser logs and flushing to file for each test run
Data Creation
When you are writing a new functional test you want to focus on specific business logic.
Suppose you are writing an Employee management application.
You have an employee grid and you want to check that its filters are working properly.
In order to test that you need to setup some initial data.
The process of creating data using the UI is a time-consuming task:
Clicking the "Add" button, waiting a form to appear, filling form fields, clicking the save.
Instead, you can use your existing AngularJS entity creation service to send the REST call to create a new entity without any UI interaction.
That's right, you already wrote a service that knows how to form a REST call to the server to create new employees. Simply use that same service from the test code to setup test data.
Sweet, right?
This is based on Protractor's addMockModule function, which is implemented by adding and augmenting Angular components by using deferred bootstrap.
In your onPrepare function:
// New module definition
var dataUtilMockModule = function () {
// Create a new module which depends on your data creation utilities
var utilModule = angular.module('dataUtil', ['platform']);
// Create a new service in the module that creates a new entity
utilModule.service('EntityCreation', ['EntityDataService', '$q', function (EntityDataService, $q) {
* Returns a promise which is resolved/rejected according to entity creation success
* @returns {*}
this.createEntity = function (details,type) {
// This is your business logic for creating entities
var entity = EntityDataService.Entity(details).ofType(type);
var promise =;
return promise;
browser.addMockModule('dataUtil', dataUtilMockModule);
// Bootstrap Angular with mock modules
And that's it!
Then in your test use this EntityCreation service like this:
var populateData = function () {
var el = document.querySelector(arguments[0]);
var callback = arguments[1];
try {
angular.element(el).injector().get('EntityCreation').createEntity({FirstName: 'Mickey',LastName:'Mouse'},'Cartoon').then(function(data) {
}, function(err) {
} catch (e) {
populateData, browser.rootEl).then(function() {
console.log('Executed populateData script successfully');
}, function (browserErr) {
if (browserErr) {
throw 'Error while populating data ' + JSON.stringify(browserErr);
And you created a new entity without any UI interaction.
Capturing browser log to file
When you're analyzing the failure of a functional test, the browser console has priceless information for root cause analysis.
This is how you dump it to a file for every test:
In your configuration file, set Selenium's logging preference to ALL:
capabilities: {
'browserName': 'chrome',
'chromeOptions': {
'args': ['incognito', 'disable-extensions', 'start-maximized', 'enable-crash-reporter-for-testing']
'loggingPrefs': {
'browser': 'ALL'
Now create an afterEach function to flush the browser console to a file.
The sample code below also captures a screenshot for every failed test:
var fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path');
// Add global spec helpers in this file
var getDateStr = function () {
var d = (new Date() + '').replace(new RegExp(':', 'g'), '-').split(' ');
// "2013-Sep-03-21:58:03"
return [d[3], d[1], d[2], d[4]].join('-');
var errorCallback = function (err) {
// create a new javascript Date object based on the timestamp
var timestampToDate = function (unix_timestamp) {
var date = new Date(unix_timestamp);
// hours part from the timestamp
var hours = date.getHours();
// minutes part from the timestamp
var minutes = date.getMinutes();
// seconds part from the timestamp
var seconds = date.getSeconds();
var timeValues = [hours, minutes, seconds];
timeValues.forEach(function (val) {
if (val.length < 2) {
// padding
val = '0' + val;
// will display time in 10:30:23 format
return hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds;
// Take a screenshot automatically after each failing test.
afterEach(function () {
var passed = jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.results().passed();
// Replace all space characters in spec name with dashes
var specName = jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.description.replace(new RegExp(' ', 'g'), '-'),
baseFileName = specName + '-' + getDateStr(),
reportDir = path.resolve(__dirname + '/../report/'),
consoleLogsDir = path.resolve(reportDir + '/logs/'),
screenshotsDir = path.resolve(reportDir + '/screenshots/');
if (!fs.existsSync(reportDir)) {
if (!passed) {
// Create screenshots dir if doesn't exist
console.log('screenshotsDir = [' + screenshotsDir + ']');
if (!fs.existsSync(screenshotsDir)) {
var pngFileName = path.resolve(screenshotsDir + '/' + baseFileName + '.png');
browser.takeScreenshot().then(function (png) {
// Do something with the png...
console.log('Writing file ' + pngFileName);
fs.writeFileSync(pngFileName, png, {encoding: 'base64'}, function (err) {
}, errorCallback);
// Flush browser console to file
var logs = browser.driver.manage().logs(),
logType = 'browser'; // browser
logs.getAvailableLogTypes().then(function (logTypes) {
if (logTypes.indexOf(logType) > -1) {
var logFileName = path.resolve(consoleLogsDir + '/' + baseFileName + '.txt');
browser.driver.manage().logs().get(logType).then(function (logsEntries) {
if (!fs.existsSync(consoleLogsDir)) {
// Write the browser logs to file
console.log('Writing file ' + logFileName);
var len = logsEntries.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var logEntry = logsEntries[i];
var msg = timestampToDate(logEntry.timestamp) + ' ' + logEntry.type + ' ' + logEntry.message;
fs.appendFileSync(logFileName, msg + '\r\n', {encoding: 'utf8'}, errorCallback);
}, errorCallback);
Now you're debugging like a pro!
this sampe cannot work., If I set framework: 'jasmine2'
השבמחקWhy access the arguments object by index, rather than using named parameters?
השבמחקThank you for this great script...
השבמחקhire angularjs developer